Remek! premium archives

Market insight for short-term technically motivated directional traders

Designed to remove the obstacles between you and successful trading.  

Welcome to the Remek! Premium Archives, a record of our activities and an excellent educational resource, organized by month as of Apr 1, 2019.

All these daily reports were prepared in advance at the time. We were often wrong and, perhaps more often, right. How wrong and how right is easy to see:

  1. Just pick a day, any day that you want to examine closer

  2. Then go back to your charts to the following day(s) to see what, if anything, of our analyses came true and if the analysis would have been useful.

  3. Decide for yourself if our methodology makes sense to you and if it does, make a plan, a written trading plan, to utilize it given your own particular circumstances.

  4. Note that probably no more than 2-3% of your account balance should be at risk at any one time. On relatively smaller accounts,
    a) consider the FX market for currency future trades
    b) consider micro contracts instead of the standard or mini futures contracts
    since both a) and b) offer more granularity.
