a quick summary of our products and services

About our memberships:

To start, join our FREE Membership, so you can access much of our resources! If you’re ready to upgrade, you can join our Plus or Premium membership tiers, where we share profitable trade ideas with our Premium subscribers daily (and with our Plus subscribers with a one day delay) as well as exclusive educational content. See free samples of our daily battle plans: you'll see more often than not, our trade ideas are spot on (see e.g. our takes on the GC, the indexes, or MBT recently). These are concrete ideas as they are generated by our method and filtered by our decades-long experience. Expect exact entry, target and stop locations. The only thing that you will have to add is size (obviously, dependent on your account size and risk profile). To put it straight, if you're not with us on Premium, you're most likely leaving money on the table.


About our software:

While you can trade these ideas on any platform you want (Tradestation, Tradingview, etc.), we strongly believe that the best way to execute these trade ideas is with our software: PRO STR and/or PRO STR BT, built for NT8.

You will also ask: but why do we have two? (or even three if we count BTX). Be assured, there is a reason! Read on!


How to decide whether to use PRO STR or BT to execute a given trade? It's simple:

  • use PRO STR if you want to maintain manual control during the algorithmic execution. In the right hands, the perfect combination of algo power + human skills!

  • use PRO STR BT if you want to hand over total control to your pre-defined BT, your intelligent, self-adaptive, lightning-fast hound dog.

  • and the third, BTX? We use BTX for research. BTX will save you thousands of hours and countless headaches.

So consider your mental and physical condition at the time of the job, as well as possible time constraints. Examples: "I have this excellent setup that I want to do but I can’t be at the machine for the next few hours.” In these situations, BT is the perfect choice.

The steps when you use BT to do the trade:

1. setup present on your timeframe

2. switch on BT, it will take the trade automatically upon a trigger, on the optimal candle

3. BT will manage the trade without your participation. Note: BT will always make the best of the opportunity: whether a loser or a winner, the outcome is always the best possible outcome at the time of the trade. And since your participation during the trade is not required, your emotions will never jeopardize your trade.
(Note: PRO STR does all the above except you will have the ability to modify the target and stop during the trade.)

Further advantages of BT:

  • You can have BT switch itself off automatically after the trade is done.

  • BT will also continuously self-adjust (e.g. trailing stops) during the trade based on current volatility conditions (self-adaption is a unique feature of BT in the NT8 universe)

  • You can have BT monitor your account size in real time, and NOT allow trades that would violate your own predefined risk rules! (another unique feature of BT!)

  • and many other useful functions, see BT's detailed documentation, including our extensive video library.

In short, BT is a most advanced trading strategy that captures a valid edge. Learn all about it, take it for spin, and add it to your desktop today!

And when to use PRO STR?

Now, if you are in top mental and physical shape and do have the time and there are no distractions at the time of the trade, you may want to do it with PRO STR. PRO STR allows you to interfere with the trade during its duration. This can be good or bad (as we all know). For skilled traders, manual intervention into the trade can bring better results. But in many situations, even for the best of traders, manual "fiddling" with the trade may make things worse, making BT often the ideal choice.

Don't forget: analysis is one thing, emotionless, precise, lightning-fast algorithmic execution is quite another. Many can talk about a chart, but are unable to make money on the markets. No need to be one of them: get our Standalones today and start executing like a pro!

But wait: we also have 9 Essential Indicators!

These are just about the only indicators you will ever need. Each has been built professionally for a special purpose, e.g.

Note: all our 9 Essential Indicators are professionally built and maintained and are 100% compatible with Bloodhound, so there’s nothing stopping you if you want to use them in your Bloodhound-based system.

A perfect weekend to explore our tools and resources, which have helped hundreds of traders turn profitable over the years. Comment below and let us know if you have any questions!

The method, the tools

Yes, the ES and NQ are at new highs, but it’s never too late to learn more about our method and our tools. In fact, times like these might be the best opportunity to do so! So let’s review the basics:

  1. We trade crowd behaviour based on quantitative evidence we find in price data. Call it Evidence-based Technical Analysis (EBTA), because that’s what it is.

  2. Within the realm of ‘crowd behaviour’, we trade, a certain aspect of crowd behaviour called “the re-emergence of momentum out of consolidation areas”. Why this? Because we have found this the most consistently reliable and rewarding.

  3. You can already see two things in the above:
    - we trade based on evidence only: if we find no evidence for something in the data, that something will not be part of our method. (Therefore you will see no useless lines on our charts).
    - we don’t get lost in the noise: we trade above the random moves generated by scared traders.

Want to join us on this journey? Learn the method, lease the software in one go by subscribing to Remek! Premium at this weekend’s discount!

One thing we do know: whatever the market does next, momentum out of consolidation areas will keep re-emerging, re-emerging and re-emerging. You can train your eyes to see them, and you can now lease the software to trade them, in one go!

Before and after: our most recent 1R trade. Note timestamps.

Click below to learn more about our algorithmic powerhouse, The Remek! Standalones.